Bola zbitá, gravidná, 17-krát postrelená, prišla o oči, no napriek tomu prežila a dnes je z nej fenka-terapeutka


Päťročná Maggie je skutočne zázračným psom vzhľadom na ťažkosti, ktorým musela čeliť, aby vôbec prežila. Jej život visel na vlásku a to doslova. Je to ale bojovníčka, ktorá sa nevzdáva za žiadnych okolností. Príbeh tejto fenky je síce smutný, osud dojemný, no zdá sa, že s veľmi šťastným koncom.

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“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…” -Maggie • • • Oh my gosh!!!! So many Maggie T-shirt’s and sweatshirts were sold last night! I’m incredibly grateful for each one of you and all your support! Together we are saving lives and preventing the suffering of future dogs. If you haven’t got one yet and you’d like some Maggie apparel of your own, then click the link in Maggie’s bio. Remember that 100% of the profits are going to the Lebanese dogs! • Our next bit of news is that Maggie has her op tomorrow. She is having two teeth out so it will be a quick and straight forward procedure. Of course I will let you know when she is back home and how it all went. So keep an eye on our stories for updates, as I don’t think we will be posting tomorrow. ❤️ • • • #dogsofinstagram #happydoggy #dogsmakemehappy #dogsmakeeverythingbetter #dogsmakemesmile #dogsmakelifebetter #dogstagram #dogs_of_instagram #dogs_of_world #dogsofinstaworld #dogsofbark #bemoremaggie #rescuedogsrule #rescuedog #rescuedogs #rescuedogsofig #dogrescue

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Všetko sa to začalo v Libanone. Maggie niekto priviazal k škatuli s jedným odrezaným uchom a zlomenou čeľusťou. Počas svojej gravidity bola zbitá a postrelená neuveriteľnými 17 guľkami! Tento krutý čin mal za následok úplnú stratu očí a tým logicky aj videnia. Objavila ju však osoba s veľkým srdcom, ktorá o nej napísala, čím zároveň požiadala o pomoc. V ďalekom Londýne si túto žiadosť o pomoc všimla istá žena a najmä vďaka nadácii Wild At Heart sa jej dostalo pomoci. Ešte predtým, ako jej našli domov však musela podstúpiť neľahké operácie.

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“Do you love me too???❤️?” -@maggiethewunderdog • • • Sunday is funday… or in our case, it was spent all day in pyjamas. It’s been so hot the girls haven’t been on a walk yet and instead we have vegetated only leaving our house to get to the shops. Finally it’s cooled enough to go walkies and enjoy the remaining hours of sunshine. I hope you’ve had a beautiful weekend and if you are at work tomorrow I hope this happy picture of Maggie will but you in the right spirits for your Monday commute. For all my British friends enjoying the Bank Holiday Weekend I hope you can have the longest lie in and get to soak up the last of the summer rays. ? • • • #bemoremaggie #rescuedogsofig #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsofbark #ilovedogs #dogsoflondon #londondogs

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Dnes je majiteľkou Maggie 25-ročná Kasey Carlin, ktorá je aj vďaka fenke veľmi obľúbenou na Instagrame, kde ju už berú za celebritu. „Učila mňa aj iných nespočetné množstvo hodín, všetci si uvedomujeme a pamätáme tie hodiny, kedy sme sa sa prizerali a učili ako deti,“ povedala majiteľka. Tvrdí, že každý jeden deň jej pripomína, aby zaobchádzala s ostatnými tak, ako chce, aby iní zaobchádzali s ňou. „Nesúďte knihu podľa jej obalu, láskou dobývajte všetkých, buďte skromní, naplno žite život, pomáhajte ostatným, vytvárajte si vlastné šťastie, ak veríte, môžete robiť čokoľvek! Každý deň mi pripomína, aby som sa snažila byť lepšia a lepšia,“ vyjadrila sa Kasey na adresu svojho domáceho miláčika.

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“How badly do you want to be in middle of this cuddle party? -Maggie @maggiethewunderdog @theadventuresofmishka • • • It’s 7:30pm here in the UK. Today has been a day to catch up on all things I’ve been neglecting. Car has been wash, house cleaned, dogs walked and groomed. Even gave Mishka and extra walk over the hills. (She’s been a little neglected while I’ve been fussing over Maggie and her tooth extraction.) we have caught up with the boring to do list I’ve neglected and now we are ready to tackle the week ahead!!! ? • • • #bestwoof #bestwoofs #dogsofbark #dogstagram #dogsofinsta #alaskankleekai #alaskankleekaiofinstagram #alaskankleekais #alaskankleekailover #alaskankleekaiuk #kleekai #kleekaination #kleekaiaddicted #kleekaisofinstagram #muttsofinstagram #mutts #mixedbreed #mixedbreeds #bemoremaggie #dogsoflondon #rescuedogsofig #bemoremishka #cuddlebuddies #dogs

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Maggie sa dokonca nedávno stala terapeutickým psom, pričom navštevuje nemocnice, opatrovateľské domy a univerzity, kde z nej môže cítiť pokoj a radosť každý. Doma si okrem svojej majiteľky ukradla aj srdce Mishky, teda svojho psieho parťáka. „Každý deň som ohromená, koľko ľudí sa o ňu zaujíma. Tak dlho sa o ňu nikto nestaral, až som napokon súhlasila, že sa o ňu postarám ja. Som nesmierne rada, že môžeme spolu zdieľať takýto pozitívny odkaz s celým svetom,“ dodala Kasey.

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“My face is on clothes! I can’t see them but if it’s got my face on it, it must be GORGEOUS, right?!?!” -Maggie •••LINK IN BIO••• • • • You asked for it and I am so happy to announce that Maggie Merch has arrived! Now you can can look at Maggie’s beautiful face whenever you want and of course Maggie is so fashionable, she matches any style! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ But it's not just about looking good – 100% of profits from every single Maggie sweatshirt and T-shirt sold will be donated directly to our Lebanon project, ensuring that we can help hundreds more Maggie's find safety and happiness, and prevent thousands more still from being born into a life of cruelty. _ Giving isn’t just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference! I’m so thrilled that Maggie’s sad beginnings aren’t the end of her story. With your love and generosity we are helping other dogs in need! _ head over to our shop, wear your support with pride, and know that you have our utmost gratitude for all that you're doing to help the dogs of Lebanon. these exclusive styles are now available to buy- just follow the link in Maggie’s bio. Available for a limited time only, while stocks last! • Thankyou to photographer @aidanoneill101 Artist @simeonfarrar Models @pixiegeldof @miacecily @emily_hunt_ Special thanks to @wild_at_heart_foundation ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #loveisblind #maggiethewunderdog #lebanonrescue #dogrescuelebanon #goodcause #consciousfashion #ethicalfashion #dogsoflebanon #bemoremaggie #dogsoflondon

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“Guess what….I am now a registered therapy dog!! Do you think I’ll be able to make people happy?” -Maggie #bemoremaggie #bemoredog • • • As many of you know.. Maggie has a heart that loves unconditionally!Her spirit is infectious! She has a has a big personality. And she has and aurora that is so calming. Her story catches the hearts of many and reminds us all of our inner strength. Since the first time I met Maggie I knew she would make a great therapy dog if she wanted to be. Thankfully we found a charity that not only uses the healing power of dogs but also teaches the importance of animal welfare. Yesterday me and Maggie went to meet with her assessor, @maherandhounddogtraining she flaunted her stuff and gave it her best go and she PASSED. Maggie is now a registered therapy dog with @underdog_international . She and I will speak to schools and work hands on with youngsters. I know what happened to Maggie was horrendous but if her story can educate and inspire others to do good then at least we can do our part to make this world a little brighter. • • • #therapydog #therapydogsrock #therapydogsofinstagram #therapydoglife #dogtherapy #gooddoggos #dogisgood #gooddoggie #gooddoggo #rescuedogs #rescuedogsarethebestdogs #rescuedogsofinsta #rescuedoglife #rescuedoglove #dogslove #lovedogs #doglover #blinddog #dogsofinstagram #dogsoflondon #rescuedogstory #disableddogsofinstagram #dogsaretherapy #dogsaremytherapy

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“Mom is being weird again but she says it’s for a good cause and she needs your help!” – @maggiethewunderdog #loveisblind #bemoremaggie ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You know Maggie’s story, how she was shot and left to fend for herself. Pregnant and injured she was found and saved. She lost her ear, eyes and puppies but she never lost her love for life. Maggie’s sad story isn’t unique, it’s one of thousands and with your help we will make a difference. I’d love you to show your support, by joining our “Love is Blind” campaign. I’ll be sharing my favourite photos so follow the steps below and show your support for Maggie and her charity! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1. Take a picture of yourself or your dog boldly displaying the #loveisblind hashtag! _ 2. text LOVEISBLIND to 70450 to donate £2 (+std msg rate UK only) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ CLICK THE LINK in our bio to go directly to the @wild_at_heart_foundation donation page. ALL donations raised will be going directly to dogs like Maggie and Bella! _ 3. Post your picture using the hashtag #loveisblind and tag @wild_at_heart_foundation _ 4. Tag your friends and ask them to share their support! I will be sharing some of your photos each day! I’m so grateful to each and every donator, I can’t thank you enough. With your help we can forge lasting solutions and bring about positive change! Thank you for taking part – I can’t wait to see your contributions and look forward to sharing our favourites! ❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #blinddogs #blinddog #blinddogsofinstagram #blinddogsrock #blinddogsrule #blinddogsseewiththeirhearts #wildatheartfoundation #ilovedogs #ilovemydog #dogsoflondon #londondogs #rescuedogsofig #rescuedogsofinsta #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedogstory #rescuedogs #wahf #dogsofig #doggosofinstagram

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Zuzana Kostelníková
Ahojte, volám sa Zuzana, keďže ešte študujem na vysokej škole, presnejšie na fakulte verejnej správy, tak mám aj dostatok voľného času. Ten venujem najmä vám - čitateľom a to tým, že sa vám snažím prinášať tie najzaujímavejšie a najaktuálnejšie informácie z celého sveta, ale aj z domova. Okrem písania mi môj voľný čas zaberá motorka, mám rada šport, šoférovanie a ako každá žena milujem nakupovanie.
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