Historické fotografie, ktoré vás vrátia do minulosti a zanechajú vo vás celú škálu pocitov #80


Prinášame vám novú sériu zaujímavých fotiek zo života v minulosti. Uvidíte napríklad významné osobnosti, významné udalosti, alebo silné momenty z obdobia vojny. Dnes uvidíte maliarku Fridu Kahlo s jej psom, dvoch odvážlivcov hrajúcich tenis na krídlach letiaceho lietadla, alebo kráľovnú Alžbetu II. ako testuje armádnu útočnú pušku.


Americký mariňák pripaľuje fajku miestnemu obyvateľovi v japonskej Okinawe, 2. svetová vojna – 1945

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Frida Kahlo s jej mexickým naháčom – 1944

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Ťažba dreva v americkom Michigane – 1890. roky

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Člen kapely Rolling Stones, Keith Richards na návšteve Maroka – 1967

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Dvaja odvážlivci hrajú tenis viac ako 900 metrov nad mestom Los Angeles – 1925

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Two daredevils "playing" a game of tennis 3,000 feet in the air over Los Angeles, 1925.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ In the foreground is Ivan Unger and in the background is Gladys Roy (swipe left). They were part of a barnstorming troupe called the 13 Black Cats and made a living by performing stunts all across the country.⁣⁣⁣ Roy was making anywhere from $200 to $500 ($3,000 to $7,500 adjusted for inflation) per performance but said that she was barely making any money because her expenses were high. She discussed some of her stunts in a May 26 article published by the LA Times:⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ "I do everything from the Charleston to playing tennis on the wings of a speeding ship, to hanging by my legs from the landing gear as the ship comes to earth. The moment my fingers touch the earth i snap my body upwards and the plane alights in a cloud of dust.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ It looks ten times more thrilling than it really is because the crowd cannot see me on account of the dust cloud. Of late, the crowds are beginning to tire of even my most difficult stunts and so I must necessarily invent new ones, that is, if I want to hold my reputation as a dare-devil. Eventually an accident will occur and then…⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ The exhibitors know and welcome these accidents, for their ears are turned to the clink of gold as it falls into their strong boxes. Thus does the event spell success or failure.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ Were one to turn back the pages of this world they would have probably found me again in the Roman circus. I would have been crying: 'Hail, Caesar! We who are about to die, salute thee! And promoter Caesar would have turned ‘thumbs down.'"⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ A year later, Roy died in a tragic accident after being struck by a propeller after a photoshoot. She was only 25 years old.⁣ ⁣ Source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/daredevils-playing-tennis-airplane/

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Herci Heath Ledger a Rose Byrne v Las Vegas – 1999

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Heath Ledger and Rose Byrne, Las Vegas 1999

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Park Row Building v New Yorku, najvyššia budova svojho času – 1912


13-ročná speváčka Britney Spears na začiatku svojej kariéry – 1995


Kráľovná Alžbeta II. osobne testuje útočnú pušku L-85 – 1993


Putujúci umelci, Japonsko – cca. 1900


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