20 ilustrovaných faktov z rôznych oblastí, ktoré vám rozšíria obzory (2. časť)


Tento instagramový profil s názvom factourism sme vám už minule predstavili. Zaoberá sa hľadaním a zbieraním tých najzaujímavejších faktov z rôznych oblasti. Ľudia tieto fakty milujú a my sme pre vás opäť vybrali niektoré z tých najzaujímavejších a najobľúbenejších. Tentoraz je tu už druhá časť a ak ste náhodou zmeškali tú predchádzajúcu, tak napraviť to môžete na tomto odkaze.

Pozor! V Singapure sa nemôžete napojiť na WiFi niekoho iného, pretože je to ilegálne. Môžete za to dostať trest odňatia slobody aj na 3 roky:

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⁠In Singapore, connecting to someone else’s Wi-Fi is illegal and can be punished with up to 3 years of imprisonment⁠ ⁠⁠ Singapore is very serious about “piggybacking”, the use of a computer network without the knowledge of its owner. Under its Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act, an offender can get punished with a fine up to 10,000 Singapore dollars (about 6,500 €), up to 3 years of prison, or both. The first person to be sentenced was a 17-year-old boy who connected to the neighbour’s. He got 9 months of community service at an orphanage and 9 months of having to stay indoors during the night, and was prohibited from using the Internet for 18 months.⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #piggybacking #freewifi #wifi #stealingwifi #singapore #singaporelife #singaporeinsiders

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Bábätká majú o 95 kostí viac, ako dospelí:

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⁠Babies have 95 more bones than adults⁠ ⁠ Grown-ups usually have 206 bones. Babies have about 300. The reasons is that many of them, such as the cranium (i.e. the skull) begins as several different parts before merging into one when growing up. Note that many of the babies' bones are not exactly bones yet: they are cartilage and only turn in proper bones with time.⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #babiesofinsta #babyfact #babyfacts #humananatomy #humanbiology #thehumanbody #humanbody

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Samica klokana má až 3 vagíny:

Existuje len 5 moderných krajín, ktoré nikdy neboli kolonizované Európou. Sú to: Japonsko, Severná Kórea, Južná Kórea, Thajsko a Libéria:

Pred 400 miliónmi rokmi bola Zem pokrytá hubami, ktoré boli až 8 metrov vysoké!

Starovekí Egypťania hrali bowling už pred 5 000 rokmi!


Chobotnica má v skutočnosti 6 rúk a 2 nohy, nie 8 nôh:

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An octopus actually has 6 arms and 2 legs, not 8 legs⁠ ⁠ {Weekend Repost}⁠ Next time you meet an octopus and wonder about its limbs, remember that it does not have eight legs, neither does it have eight arms (or eight tentacles for that matter, as they are technically not those either). It has two legs, used for moving around, and six arms, used principally for feeding. It is also ambidextrous, not favouring any left or right arms, but it does prefer using its third arms from the front when it can.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/octopus-arms⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #octopus #octopus? #octopusart #octopuslove #marinebiology #marinebiologyshots #marinebiologylife #animalfact #zoology

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McDonald’s má vo Švédsku svoje reštaurácie aj na lyžiarskych svahoch:

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McDonald’s has a ski-through restaurant in Sweden⁠ ⁠ The fast-food company extended and adapted their original drive-through concept to local conditions, with a “McSki” service where skiers can order and pick-up their meal without even unfixing their skis or leaving the snow.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/ski-through ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #mcdonalds #mcdonalds?? #mcdonalds? #mcdonaldslife #mcski #skiing? #skiinglife #drivethrough #drivethru

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Prvá počítačová myš bola vyrobená z dreva:

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The first computer mouse was made of wood⁣ ⁣ {Weekend Repost}⁣ If earlier pointing devices were developed, the first being considered as a computer mouse — and the first to be named “mouse” — was invented by engineer Douglas Engelbart while working in his Augmentation Research Center. Originally named “bug”, work on the mouse started in 1963 until the device was ready to be demonstrated in 1968. The mouse had wheels (instead of the trackball that became in use later) and was, indeed, made of wood.⁣ ⁣ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/mouse-wood⁣ ⁣⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #computermouse #fancymouse #mousegaming #gamingmouse #invention #inventor #inventions #computerscience

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Priemerná americká rodina má vo svojom domove až 300 000 vecí:

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There are 300,000 items in the average American home⁣ ⁣ It is the number that Regina Lark, professional organiser, estimates to be the total amount of items in the average US household. Another statistics is about US kids: they represent 3.7% of the international children population, but own 47% of all the toys and kids books.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/american-home⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #stuff #homeorganisation #homeorganization #americans #declutter #clutterfree #declutteryourlife #cleartheclutter

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3:44 je najbežnejší čas na zobúdzanie sa v noci:

Poháre na víno sú dnes 7-krát väčšie, ako boli kedysi:

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Wine glasses are seven times larger than they used to be⁣ ⁣ The average wine glass from the 1700s was about 66ml, against 417ml in the 2000s. That is a finding of research conducted by scientists from the university of Cambridge. Comparing 411 glasses from the past 300 years found in museums, catalogues, and other sources, they found that their size got six to seven times larger during that time. The larger increase has been happening in the last few decades, leading to the question of what it can mean in terms of alcohol consumption.⁣ ⁣ Source: factourism.com/source/wine-glasses-size⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #wine? #winelovers? #winewinewine #wineglasses #wineglass #winehistory #historyinpictures #kitchenware #glassware

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Kravy, ktoré sú oslovované svojim menom, produkujú až o 258 litrov mlieka za rok viac ako tie, ktoré vlastné meno nemajú:

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Cows that are called by name produce 258 litres more milk per year than those who aren’t⁣ ⁣ Cows that are stressed make less milk because of the interference of hormones, and the ones that are anxious are more likely to resist milking. A relaxed and cared about cow, however, is going to give more milk. A study conducted across British cows in 500 hundreds farms showed that the ones that had a name, usually alongside being gently stroked and talked to, got on average 258 more litres of milk a year. Baby cows that are not yet of age for making milk are also more likely to give a good amount of milk later on if they are treated as individuals rather than ignored.⁣ ⁣ Source: factourism.com/source/cows-name⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #bovine #cowlife #cowstagram #cowlove #animalwelfare #milky #lactation #farminglife #dairyfarming

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Zlato je jedlé:

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Gold is edible⁣ ⁣ Pure gold can be eaten: chemically inert, it goes through the digestive system and is not absorbed by the body. In the form on thin leaves, it is an approved food additive for the European Union and not considered toxic by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Therefore gold has been added to drinks since the Renaissance, can be found in some Asian candies and pastries, and most recently has been used to wrap the beef patty of a $666 New-Yorker hamburger.⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #foodstuff #gold #ingot #gilded #metals #recipeoftheday #recipeideas #onmyplate ´

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Astronauti môžu voliť z vesmíru:

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Astronauts can vote from space⁣ ⁣ Astronauts aboard the International Space Station, and previously the Mir station, are not exempt of voting duty. They get their ballot as an encrypted PDF in their e-mail inbox, can cast their vote from one of the onboard computers, and send it back to their voting clerk. It initially required some adaptation in the law down back Earth to accommodate for this derogation, but now people in space can voice their political preference almost like anyone else.⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #votingrights #votingmatters #elections #voting #iss #spacefact #astronaut

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Množstvo Nutelly, ktorá sa ročne predá je také, že by sa mohlo natrieť na 1 000 futbalových ihrísk:

Jednou ceruzkou sa dá nakresliť čiara dlhá 56 kilometrov:

Plameniaky dokážu piť takmer vriacu vodu:

To, že ste zlým šoférom je čiastočne spôsobené genetikou:

V ústnej vode je viac alkoholu, ako vo víne:



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Zuzana Kostelníková
Ahojte, volám sa Zuzana, keďže ešte študujem na vysokej škole, presnejšie na fakulte verejnej správy, tak mám aj dostatok voľného času. Ten venujem najmä vám - čitateľom a to tým, že sa vám snažím prinášať tie najzaujímavejšie a najaktuálnejšie informácie z celého sveta, ale aj z domova. Okrem písania mi môj voľný čas zaberá motorka, mám rada šport, šoférovanie a ako každá žena milujem nakupovanie.
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